Friday, December 7, 2012

War of Men

Why must men war among themselves? All sorts of wars at that, not only conventional geopolitical war. Wars among the spirit of the individual, secret destroyers seeking the fall of ones respect of themselves. “All you have done is evil, all you will do is evil, that is unless you give up, stop trying and do things my way”. Where does a man conceive of such destruction. Only if one is destroyed themselves can they properly dissolve another ones spirit into this alleged true way. Never mind ones own mind and its creations, that is impure and above all evil. These harbingers of madness, of complex destruction, no longer can you have your way in this world.

Bloodshed is the ultimate goal for the destroyed, even their own blood. For discourse delights their shattered beings and makes them feel right, as if that is the true way of the world, that is nature itself. If only men can accept their brotherhood, not as complacent hand holders, but as pieces of the same whole, beings of the same nature. Why must we accept madmen as our leaders, why must we accept leaders as messiahs. Pass your own responsibilities on to another, as to relieve the weight on your own shoulders. Foolish as that is, it is the way of the world at this time. “This man here, he will bring some real change” “No, you man of the wrong side, this man here is the real bringer of change” “Well, both of you are wrong, this man here will preserve things as they are, as they should be”. No progress exists in this way.

Does no one want to look upon what has really brought humanity together in a real and understandable way, free from rivalry and politics? Work. A plague of laziness has stricken much of the world, a lack of real desire to work. Work is not a job, a job is a position in a company or a position that holds specific responsibilities, work is something pure, it is an effort. Everyday some work, trying to see reality, trying to understand why the world has the issues it does, and trying to, above all, solve these problems. This is work, and very few want to do it. Many people are content with going on and on in their small routine, no change is necessary to these individuals, for they are content. A routine may become a sort of happiness, the happiness one feels in being safe from anything they may have to think about. This is lazy, and to compensate, they may rely on individuals labeled as intelligent in order to gain opinions, these opinions not being their own of course.

So, back to the question at hand, why do men destroy themselves and the others around them. I believe that this is a form of decay. The men who decide to make these decisions, dating back to ancient times, had problems of their own. Unintelligent and ignorant, they pillaged in the name of some sort of higher good, to obtain land, to obtain more workers, to conquer the known world. These men did not understand that an entirely different way of living exists. That way of living is the way of work. Work to understand, work to realize, work to conquer. For the only true foe man has is the elements themselves, but instead of realizing this many decide to be a representation of this force. Why must men battle with hurricanes, volcanoes  floods, landslides, still-births, vicious animals and all sorts of other violent forces, along with themselves. No longer should any man give another a proper thought, unless their work has granted that thought. Because if the work is true, it serves to unite men, not by the words the performer of the work say, but by the work itself. This type of life brings those who desire a true change together, so perhaps the world can give up its notions of domination and superiority, and actually see what humanity as a whole is up against, the universe itself.